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Friday, May 14, 2010

The Do's and Don'ts of Freshman Year

Ah yes, FRESHMAN YEAR, the most intimidating, strangest, and strangest year of my life. I'm finishing it up as of right now and I've made this list to give some advice to the next freshmen. It wasn't as bad as I had imagined, but it's had it's ups and downs. I hope you, reader, can consult this list throughout your freshman year.

The 10 DO's:

  • Do remember that you're not alone. Other freshmen are experiencing the same things.
  • Do get to your classes on time.
  • Do your best in class (that includes doing your homework). As nerdy as this sounds, GRADES ACTUALLY MATTER. They will lead you to a better future.
  • Do remember your locker combination. It's an inconvenience if you forget it.
  • Do talk to someone. Say "hi" to that person sitting next to you in fifth period; they won't bite.
  • Do make friends. They will be your company for the year and you don't want to spend ten months by yourself.
  • Do go to a few sports events. Some school pride wouldn't hurt and sports events are really fun. If these aren't really your type of fun, watch a school play or see a show.
  • Do show your funny side. It's the quickest way to get some friends.
  • Do join a club. They're fun and a great way to meet people. Along with that, they're great on a college resume.
  • Do have fun. Don't take everything so seriously. Loosening up can do wonders.

The 10 DON'TS:

  • Don't get lost on your first day. Get a school map from the office. If somehow, you still do, ask directions from a TEACHER not a student.
  • Don't refer to your upperclassmen friends as though they're God. (i.e. "My AH-MAZING junior friend..." or "This senior is so funny! He did this... and everyone started laughing. He is so cool")
  • Don't say "I wanna be a senior already". Don't we all. Just shut up and don't mention it.
  • Don't be obnoxious. Obnoxious meaning: laughing so loudly everyone knows it's fake; screaming down the hallways; slapping butts in public; talking about how you're going to get a Mercedes when you turn sixteen; bragging about that crazy "party" you went to on Saturday; yelling "That's what she said" every five seconds; and etc.
  • Don't carry everything in your backpack. Get a locker and stuff your crap in there.
  • Don't be scared of cafeteria food. Unless the lunchladies cook with uranium...
  • Don't start fights. They're a stupid waste of time and could get you expelled.
  • Don't do anything stupid (i.e. drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sleeping around, cheating on your significant other, and things of the like). These things just just ruin your chances of a better future. Trust me, you'll just regret it later on.
  • Don't do things because the "popular" kids are doing it. The popularity things dies out by sophomore year.
  • Don't lose your individuality. If that's who are, appreciate it.

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